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EyeBscan(volume, index)


Name Type Description Default
volume EyeVolume

The EyeVolume this B-scan belongs to

index int

The index of this B-scan in the EyeVolume

Source code in src/eyepy/core/
def __init__(self, volume: EyeVolume, index: int) -> None:

        volume: The EyeVolume this B-scan belongs to
        index: The index of this B-scan in the EyeVolume
    self.index = index
    self.volume = volume

    # Create a dict to access layers by their name for this B-scan.
    self.layers = DynamicDefaultDict(lambda x: EyeBscanLayerAnnotation(
        self.volume.layers[x], self.index))
    self.area_maps = DynamicDefaultDict(
        lambda x: self.volume.volume_maps[x].data[self.index])

data: np.ndarray property

Returns the B-scan data as a numpy array.


Type Description

B-scan data as numpy array

meta: EyeBscanMeta property

Return the metadata for this B-scan.


Type Description

Meta information about the B-scan

scale_x property

Scale of the B-scan in x direction.

scale_y property

Scale of the B-scan in y direction.

shape: tuple[int, int] property

Shape of the B-scan data.


Type Description
tuple[int, int]

Shape tuple (B-scan height, B-scan width)

size_x property

Size of the B-scan in x direction.

size_y property

Size of the B-scan in y direction.

plot(ax=None, layers=False, areas=False, layer_kwargs=None, area_kwargs=None, annotations_only=False, region=np.s_[:, :], scalebar='botleft', scalebar_kwargs=None, watermark=True)

Plot B-scan.

Annotations such as layers and areas can be overlaid on the image. With plt.legend() you can add a legend for the shown annotations


Name Type Description Default
ax Optional[Axes]

Axes to plot on. If not provided plot on the current axes (plt.gca()).

layers Union[bool, list[str]]

If True plot all layers (default: False). If a list of strings is given, plot the layers with the given names.

areas Union[bool, list[str]]

If True plot all areas (default: False). If a list of strings is given, plot the areas with the given names.

annotations_only bool

If True do not plot the B-scan image

region tuple[slice, slice]

Region of the localizer to plot (default: np.s_[:, :])

s_[:, :]
layer_kwargs Optional[dict]

Optional keyword arguments for customizing the OCT layers. If None default values are used which are {"linewidth": 1, "linestyle": "-"}

area_kwargs Optional[dict]

Optional keyword arguments for customizing area annotions on the B-scan If None default values are used which are {"alpha": 0.5}

scalebar Union[bool, str]

Position of the scalebar, one of "topright", "topleft", "botright", "botleft" or False (default: "botleft"). If True the scalebar is placed in the bottom left corner. You can custumize the scalebar using the scalebar_kwargs argument.

scalebar_kwargs Optional[dict[str, Any]]

Optional keyword arguments for customizing the scalebar. Check the documentation of plot_scalebar for more information.

watermark bool

If True plot a watermark on the image (default: True). When removing the watermark, please consider to cite eyepy in your publication.


Returns: None

Source code in src/eyepy/core/
def plot(
    ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None,
    layers: Union[bool, list[str]] = False,
    areas: Union[bool, list[str]] = False,
    layer_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
    area_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
    annotations_only: bool = False,
    region: tuple[slice, slice] = np.s_[:, :],
    scalebar: Union[bool, str] = 'botleft',
    scalebar_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
    watermark: bool = True,
) -> None:
    """Plot B-scan.

    Annotations such as layers and areas can be overlaid on the image. With plt.legend() you can add a legend for the shown annotations

        ax: Axes to plot on. If not provided plot on the current axes (plt.gca()).
        layers: If `True` plot all layers (default: `False`). If a list of strings is given, plot the layers with the given names.
        areas: If `True` plot all areas (default: `False`). If a list of strings is given, plot the areas with the given names.
        annotations_only: If `True` do not plot the B-scan image
        region: Region of the localizer to plot (default: `np.s_[:, :]`)
        layer_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for customizing the OCT layers. If `None` default values are used which are {"linewidth": 1, "linestyle": "-"}
        area_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for customizing area annotions on the B-scan If `None` default values are used which are {"alpha": 0.5}
        scalebar: Position of the scalebar, one of "topright", "topleft", "botright", "botleft" or `False` (default: "botleft"). If `True` the scalebar is placed in the bottom left corner. You can custumize the scalebar using the `scalebar_kwargs` argument.
        scalebar_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for customizing the scalebar. Check the documentation of [plot_scalebar][eyepy.core.plotting.plot_scalebar] for more information.
        watermark: If `True` plot a watermark on the image (default: `True`). When removing the watermark, please consider to cite eyepy in your publication.
    ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax

    # Complete region index expression
    y_start = region[0].start if region[0].start is not None else 0
    y_stop = region[0].stop if region[0].stop is not None else self.shape[0]
    x_start = region[1].start if region[1].start is not None else 0
    x_stop = region[1].stop if region[1].stop is not None else self.shape[1]

    region = np.s_[y_start:y_stop, x_start:x_stop]

    if not layers:
        layers = []
    elif layers is True:
        layers = list(self.volume.layers.keys())

    if not areas:
        areas = []
    elif areas is True:
        areas = list(self.volume.volume_maps.keys())

    #if ascans is None:
    #    ascans = []
    #elif ascans is True:
    #    ascans = self.ascan_maps.keys()

    if layer_kwargs is None:
        layer_kwargs = config.layer_kwargs
        layer_kwargs = {**config.layer_kwargs, **layer_kwargs}

    if area_kwargs is None:
        area_kwargs = config.area_kwargs
        area_kwargs = {**config.area_kwargs, **area_kwargs}

    #if ascan_kwargs is None:
    #    ascan_kwargs = config.area_kwargs
    #    ascan_kwargs = {**config.ascan_kwargs, **ascan_kwargs}

    if not annotations_only:
        ax.imshow([region], cmap='gray')

    #for ascan_annotation in ascans:
    #    data = self.ascan_maps[ascan_annotation]
    #    data = np.repeat(np.reshape(data, (1, -1)), self.shape[0], axis=0)
    #    visible = np.zeros(data.shape)
    #    visible[data] = 1.0
    #    ax.imshow(data[region],
    #              alpha=visible[region] * ascan_kwargs["alpha"],
    #              cmap="Reds")

    for area in areas:
        data = self.area_maps[area][region]
        visible = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool)
        visible[data != 0] = 1.0

        meta = self.volume.volume_maps[area].meta
        color = meta['color'] if 'color' in meta else 'red'
        color = mcolors.to_rgba(color)
        # create a 0 radius circle patch as dummy for the area label
        patch = mpatches.Circle((0, 0), radius=0, color=color, label=area)

        # Create plot_data by tiling the color vector over the plotting shape
        plot_data = np.tile(np.array(color), data.shape + (1, ))
        # Now turn the alpha channel 0 where the mask is 0 and adjust the remaining alpha
        plot_data[..., 3] *= visible * area_kwargs['alpha']

    for layer in layers:
        color = config.layer_colors[layer]

        layer_data = self.layers[layer].data
        # Adjust layer height to plotted region
        layer_data = layer_data - region[0].start
        # Remove layer if outside of region
        layer_data = layer_data[region[1].start:region[1].stop]
        layer_data[layer_data < 0] = 0
        region_height = region[0].stop - region[0].start
        layer_data[layer_data > region_height] = region_height

            color='#' + color,

    # Make sure tick labels match the image region
    y_start = region[0].start if region[0].start is not None else 0
    x_start = region[1].start if region[1].start is not None else 0
    y_end = region[0].stop if region[0].stop is not None else self.shape[0]
    x_end = region[1].stop if region[1].stop is not None else self.shape[1]

    # Ticks are not clipped to the image region. Clip them here.
    yticks = ax.get_yticks()
    yticks = yticks[np.nonzero(
        np.logical_and(yticks >= 0, yticks <= y_end - y_start - 1))]
    xticks = ax.get_xticks()
    xticks = xticks[np.nonzero(
        np.logical_and(xticks >= 0, xticks <= x_end - x_start - 1))]

    # Set clipped ticks (this is only necessary because we change the labels later)

    # Set labels to ticks + start of the region as an offset
    ax.set_yticklabels([str(int(t + y_start)) for t in yticks])
    ax.set_xticklabels([str(int(t + x_start)) for t in xticks])

    if scalebar:
        if scalebar_kwargs is None:
            scalebar_kwargs = {}

        scale_unit = self.volume.meta['scale_unit']
        scalebar_kwargs = {
                'scale': (self.scale_x, self.scale_y),
                'scale_unit': scale_unit

        if not 'pos' in scalebar_kwargs:
            sx = x_end - x_start
            sy = y_end - y_start

            if scalebar is True:
                scalebar = 'botleft'

            if scalebar == 'botleft':
                scalebar_kwargs['pos'] = (sx - 0.95 * sx, 0.95 * sy)
            elif scalebar == 'botright':
                scalebar_kwargs['pos'] = (0.95 * sx, 0.95 * sy)
                scalebar_kwargs['flip_x'] = True
            elif scalebar == 'topleft':
                scalebar_kwargs['pos'] = (sx - 0.95 * sx, 0.05 * sy)
                scalebar_kwargs['flip_y'] = True
            elif scalebar == 'topright':
                scalebar_kwargs['pos'] = (0.95 * sx, 0.05 * sy)
                scalebar_kwargs['flip_x'] = True
                scalebar_kwargs['flip_y'] = True

        plot_scalebar(ax=ax, **scalebar_kwargs)

    if watermark: