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find_float(bytestring, value, endian=None, bits=None, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)

Find all occurrences of a float in a byte string.


Name Type Description Default
bytestring bytes

The byte string to search.

value float

The float to search for.

endian Optional[str]

"l" for little and "b" for big, the endianness of the float. If not specified, the endianness is assumed to be the same as the endianness of the system.

bits Optional[Union[int, list[int], str, list[str]]]

The number of bits in the float. If not specified, 16, 32 and 64 bit floats are searched for.

rtol float

The relative tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).

atol float

The absolute tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).



Type Description
dict[str, list[int]]

A dictionary where the key is the type and the value, a list of offsets for which the searched value was found

Source code in src/eyepy/io/
def find_float(bytestring: bytes,
               value: float,
               endian: Optional[str] = None,
               bits: Optional[Union[int, list[int], str, list[str]]] = None,
               rtol: float = 1e-05,
               atol: float = 1e-08) -> dict[str, list[int]]:
    """Find all occurrences of a float in a byte string.

        bytestring: The byte string to search.
        value: The float to search for.
        endian: "l" for little and "b" for big, the endianness of the float.
            If not specified, the endianness is assumed to be the same as the endianness of the system.
        bits: The number of bits in the float. If not specified, 16, 32 and 64
            bit floats are searched for.
        rtol: The relative tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).
        atol: The absolute tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).

        A dictionary where the key is the type and the value, a list of offsets for which the searched value was found

    # construct format strings
    if endian is None:
        endian = sys.byteorder[0]  # first letter of endianness
    if bits is None:
        bits = ['16', '32', '64']
    elif isinstance(bits, int):
        bits = [str(bits)]
    elif isinstance(bits, str):
        bits = [bits]
    elif isinstance(bits, list):
        bits = [str(b) for b in bits]

    # Build a list of all format strings
    formats = [(int(b), f'Float{b}{endian}') for b in bits]

    # find all occurrences
    results = defaultdict(list)
    for bts, fmt_string in formats:
        format = getattr(cs, fmt_string)

        # Parse the bytestring with multiple byte offsets depending on the format
        for offset in range(bts // 8):
            # Calculate the number of items that can be parsed
            count = (len(bytestring) - offset) // (bts // 8)
            if count <= 0:
            data = np.array(cs.Array(count, format).parse(bytestring[offset:]))

            # Find all occurrences for this format
            hits = np.nonzero(np.isclose(data, value, rtol, atol))
            res = [(pos * (bts // 8)) + offset + 1 for pos in hits[0]]
            if res:
                results[fmt_string] += res

    results = {**results}
    return results

find_int(bytestring, value, signed=None, endian=None, bits=None, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)

Find all occurrences of an integer in a byte string.


Name Type Description Default
bytestring bytes

The byte string to search.

value int

The integer to search for.

signed Optional[Union[bool, str, list[str]]]

Whether the integer is signed or not. If not specified, the integer is assumed to be signed if it is negative, otherwise signed and unsigned are searched for.

endian Optional[str]

"l" for little and "b" for big, the endianness of the integer. If not specified, the endianness is assumed to be the same as the endianness of the system.

bits Optional[Union[int, list[int], str, list[str]]]

The number of bits in the integer. If not specified, 8, 16, 24, 32, and 64 bit integers are searched for.

rtol float

The relative tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).

atol float

The absolute tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).



Type Description
dict[str, list[int]]

A dictionary where the key is the type and the value, a list of offsets for which the searched value was found

Source code in src/eyepy/io/
def find_int(bytestring: bytes,
             value: int,
             signed: Optional[Union[bool, str, list[str]]] = None,
             endian: Optional[str] = None,
             bits: Optional[Union[int, list[int], str, list[str]]] = None,
             rtol: float = 1e-05,
             atol: float = 1e-08) -> dict[str, list[int]]:
    """Find all occurrences of an integer in a byte string.

        bytestring: The byte string to search.
        value: The integer to search for.
        signed: Whether the integer is signed or not. If not specified, the
            integer is assumed to be signed if it is negative, otherwise signed and unsigned are searched for.
        endian: "l" for little and "b" for big, the endianness of the integer.
            If not specified, the endianness is assumed to be the same as the endianness of the system.
        bits: The number of bits in the integer. If not specified, 8, 16, 24, 32, and 64
            bit integers are searched for.
        rtol: The relative tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).
        atol: The absolute tolerance parameter for matching a value (see numpy.isclose).

        A dictionary where the key is the type and the value, a list of offsets for which the searched value was found

    # construct format strings
    if signed is None:
        signed = ['s'] if value < 0 else ['s', 'u']
    elif isinstance(signed, bool):
        signed = ['s'] if signed else ['u']
    elif isinstance(signed, str):
        signed = [signed]
    if endian is None:
        endian = sys.byteorder[0]  # first letter of endianness
    if bits is None:
        bits = ['8', '16', '24', '32', '64']
    elif isinstance(bits, int):
        bits = [str(bits)]
    elif isinstance(bits, str):
        bits = [bits]
    elif isinstance(bits, list):
        bits = [str(b) for b in bits]

    # Build a list of all format strings
    formats = [(int(b), f'Int{b}{s}{endian}') for b in bits for s in signed]

    # find all occurrences
    results = defaultdict(list)
    for bts, fmt_string in formats:
        format = getattr(cs, fmt_string)

        # Parse the bytestring with multiple byte offsets depending on the format
        for offset in range(bts // 8):

            # Calculate the number of items that can be parsed
            count = (len(bytestring) - offset) // (bts // 8)
            if count <= 0:
            data = np.array(cs.Array(count, format).parse(bytestring[offset:]))

            # Find all occurrences
            hits = np.nonzero(np.isclose(data, value, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
            res = [(pos * (bts // 8)) + offset + 1 for pos in hits[0]]
            if res:
                results[fmt_string] += res

    results = {**results}
    return results